200 IDTA Exams, all Merit or above.
8 IDTA Musical Theatre Award Nominations, and 1 finalist.
Over 50 LAMDA Exams, all Merit or above.
102 SSS member went to Disneyland Paris to perform a show and dance in the parade!
Too many competition wins to mention! Every dancer in our competition team is a winner and we are so proud!
3 National Dance Finalists.
Anaya's BBC drama aired - she has a main role and showed off her incredible acting skills.
9 Scholarships awarded at top schools for dance, drama and music.
Our Eurovision Annual Show was a complete sell out for every show!
Miss Eloise had a baby! Aurora Rose is the newest member of the team!
Saskia is 2024 Student of the year! Saskia started classes at SSS as an energetic 3 year old who couldn't stay on her feet. Saskia really does embody the saying 'If at first you don't succeed try and try again'. And boy has Saskia tried and tried again until she has mastered something. Sas basically lives at SSS and has big dreams of becoming a West End star. We know this dream will come true. Nobody has worked harder than Saskia this year. Keep believing in yourself Sas, we can't wait to see your name in lights!
Anaya is our 2023 student of the year. Anaya started lessons with me (Alys) before SSS even existed and she is still here more than a decade later! Anaya is starting professional dance training in September and has dreams of the West End, which we know will come true. When they do we will be there to cheer her on! Anaya said when she was 6: 'Miss Alys, I want to be a ballerina when I grow up, but I can't because I don't look like you'....this stuck with me and I have tried to show all students no matter of skin colour or body type you can be what you want. Thank you for being so inspirational and ensuring we made SSS an inclusive space. I couldn't be prouder to say 'You are a ballerina Miss Nay Nay!'
Leah was awarded the 2022 student of the year. Everyone at SSS will know who Leah is, she has carved out a reputation as an incredibly talented performer who students younger and older aspire to be. Leah's dedication and hard work is what puts her above the rest. You don't get to Leah's standard by accident, it takes hours and hours of practice, but boy has it paid off! Leah has earned her the schools highest IDTA exam marks and was also accepted to Sylvia Young and Arts Ed (with an on the day offer and a call from the head to ask her to come!!!).
Leah keep shining bright & working hard and all your dreams will come true.
30 students performed at The Shaftesbury Theatre, West End.
Our competition team won multiple titles and our whole group routine won 1st place at finals.
Over the course of the year we have had to cancel less than 5 classes and are thankful to start 2022 with a thriving school of more than 200 students!
20 IDTA Musical Theatre Award nominations. Daichi came 3rd overall and was 1st boy!
Nearly 300 IDTA exams were taken and passed with flying colours.
12 Scholarships awarded at top schools for dance, drama and music.
60 LAMDA exams and 5 ABRSM exams were taken.
Miss Alys had her 2nd baby. Pandora is now part of the SSS family!
A strange year still navigating covid, and many reglulations....we are astounded by every students dedication and team spirit.
Over 150 IDTA Exams and 100 LAMDA Exams were passed with flying colours
Competitions have started again and we have won at every competition we have entered.
More students have appeared in TV programmes, movies and adverts thanks to our sister agency Future Stars.
Over 10 scholarships for dance, music and drama have been awarded at top high schools.
We have a new Notting Hill home complete with a re-furbished large dance studio and 3 other studios.
In the words of Bjork: It's, oh, so quiet, Shhhh Shhhh, It's, oh, so still, Shhhh Shhhh, You're all alone, Shhh Shhh, And so peaceful until...
So many zoom classes, in-person classes, zoom and in-person classes together!
Over the course of the year we have had to cancel less than 5 classes and are thankful to start 2022 with a thriving school of more than 200 students!
Despite learning online for over a year, our students have still reached the level needed to get pointe shoes.
102 IDTA exams, 30 LAMDA exams and 5 ABRSM exams were taken.
Our students have appeared in TV programmes, movies and adverts thanks to our sister agency Future Stars.
And...Miss Jordan got married (I think we can agree that is a big achievement in 2021!)
The show must go on(line!)
We were invited to meet members of the royal family and the Mayor of London in recognition of our contribution to the arts in the community.
Our first professional performance of the year was at RISE - the Brent Borough of Culture official opening event in Wembley. We were the only under 18 yrs group invited to take part and perform and it was INCREDIBLE!
Our second professional performance was at Her Majesty's Theatre in the West End, one week before lockdown! We feel very grateful we had the opportunity to dance together at this incredible venue before heading into a year of remote, online lessons.
All lessons, including training for LAMDA, IDTA and ABRSM exams moved online as we went into lockdown.
We squeezed 60 in-person exams into the short window between lockdowns 1 and 2 and everyone passed! Students then took their LAMDA exams online.
We ran two online talent shows and took part in various online dance and singing competitions, with much success, including becoming junior champions!
Miss Alys had a baby! Baby Atlas is Spencer Stage School's newest cheerleader and has already done every lesson there is!
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